Next step?? Who knows whre to start. I'm still getting delivers of plants/flowers and cards today even. The kids even received some wonderful baskets from people with lots of goodies. Lots of food, cash and things were given to us and the family. IT's been overwelming, lots of thank you's to be written out, DH had it rough going back to work and lots of people coming int o see him. It's nice but very hard after dealing with it the past few weeks to come home and go though some of the same..
Anyway on a brighter note, didn't have much time to get alot of knitting done and absolutely no spinning or soaping which I have lots of orders to fill and of course for scents that I'm out of.... That ever so popular patachouli! I did get both sleevs and the back done of one of three princess sweaters for my DH for chritmas, doesn't look like they'll be done but at least one will Snow White...finished the mosaic socks sure hope the lovely recieptant likes them. I'm so far behind for the holidays it isn't even funny! NOt sure what I'm going to do. The costs of the flowers and gas both way to his moms and evrything else that came along unexpectedly, medications and otehr things along the way were very behind now, just hope we can catch up with the oil heat this winter it's goign to kill us for sure!
Heres the socks:

I sure missed all my blogger friends and I've seen lots of things everyones done it feels like I've been gone so much longer then I was. His family don't have compluters so it was crazy insanity to live without internet access and the one day I did get to a library it wasn't even worth the trip and the time limit. So it's going to be a while for me to catch up but thank you EVERYONE for all the lovely words, comments and continuing to read my blog.. They were all worth a million bucks!
Now I've had to cancel 2 shows that I work this week and I've had 3 calls the past couple days about another show that I usually do every year with a date change and they insist on my presence no matter what and will even work out a deal with me to show up. I will be the only soap & toiletry maker to. Just not sure I can be totally prepared since I haven't done anything. I have soap in stock but not sure I'll have anything else ready in time and certianly not as much as I usually like to have with me. I like to have 600-100 bars at each show which I know that won't happen this year...Order taken will have to be a must to make this work thats for sure. So looks like I will only be doing one show this season. I don't want to stock up on my supplies that I'll have to move I may sell some to have less to haul out with us. ekkks! So much to do and think of my head hurts... Need a little diversion for the moment.. I certianly am not ready to get into the holiday spirit either...will have to soon for the kids sake anyway.....