my youngest is turning 5 y.o this week but we had a party today. 11 kids didn't show but the ones that did had a blast. Hard to believe my baby is growing up so fast and my first one graduated earlier this year and the youngest is off to pre-schoool!! ;o(((( I want to cry I can't have anymore...
It was a AWESOME day and the first time in his 5 years that the day of his party the weather was on our side in the mid 70s usually it always rains! So we pulled htis back yard party off the the past 2 days of planning and prep waited to hear the famous New England weather!! ( Planning for 2 weeks rain or shine but cooking under a huge umbrella if it rained, which we'd do anytime of year anyways sun, rain, cold, snow sleet....) then the party would've been cramped int he house.. We live in a 3 bedroom ranch.... phewwww! It turned out to be perfect!
I've been shopping and cooking the past few days enough food to feed a small army! the menu had Steak tips, jamician shrimp, burgers, hot dags, chicken, honey BBQ wingettes, meatballs, ribs, my famous spagetti salad, corn on the cob, chips & dips, tortilla chips and hot dips, my homemade baked beans, cocktail hot dogs with my tea, jelly & BBQ cocktail sauce, brushetta, scallops wrapped in bacon then of course
heres a few highlights. A little disappointed with so much leftovers with 11 kids and 6 adults and 5 teens missing. All & all everything went very smoothly. Certainly no one left hungry thats for sure!!! lol
This is one gal who doesn't do small very well sometimes.....
first my oldest and youngest blowing out the candle of his cake. He likes baseball almost as much as Spiderman and last year was spider man so this year was baseball.

Of course have to have a baseball pinata! (I swear it weighed close to 15 pounds! of candy & toys and it still wasn't filled!!!!) I used 3 ~ 5 + pound bags of stuff!

look this little one barely could reach but did a good job

then she got assistance

these kids can certainly swing a bat

I know mine definaately can he swang so hard it split in half and I missed the photo moment it happened so fast and kids ran to fill their party bags of toys and candy!
A the end of the night before he went to bed I asked him what his favorite part of the day was. he said his cake mommy!So sweet!

I cake was delicious!
between the bases is brownies with peanut butter frosting I made

of course not a baseball diamond but our version of a sort of retangular... Unique for sure!
the grass is white cake and the baseball is filled and layered with whipped creme and chocolate pudding