This is what happens when you handwash your clapotis made with Zephyr yarn!! The company really should've sent washing instructions or label with this yarn! Need I say more? No other yarn that I've handwashed ever done this to me..and it seemed like it took forever making such a pretty scarf with it too. NEVER AGAIN!! and I was wanting to make a pair of socks with the leftover?????? I don't mind handwash material but this is so devasting heartbreaking, I can't laugh about it right now!! I'm sure someday I will.
Its not the first time I've used the zephyr yarn either?
Oh Michelle! That's so sad. It had looked so good too. You have my sympathies. Just a thought: You could felt it further, and then with scisors cut through the dropped stiches and wear it as a scarf still. It would look kinda neat twisted around your neck with the diagonal slashes creating an interesting fabric. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
I'm so sorry! That would upset me so much!
Oh my,I would be devastated as well. So sorry this happened. All that beautiful knitting felted. No washing instructions on label? Is that yarn wool and silk? I Wonder if the silk content caused this to happen as wool should not be a problem hand washing.
Fiberbliss seen it to last weekend just before I completed the final last rows too.. I think I stretched it as much as possible and that my 5y/o will have to enjoy it now.. Veyr sad but I think I should email the company for not sending along a label and I 've never had a problem handwashing any wool before like this, silk? hmmm usually not it's never half felted
Oh Michelle! i am so sorry! All that work! I would definately write to the company and send the clappy to them so they can see what happened!!
Oh I am so sorry all that work! I don't think I would ever use that yarn again!! Diffenitly write the company! Good Luck :)
::hugs:: I feel your pain. What a shock for you to have to go through. I agree with Mandy, no more Zephyr! But at least you have another Clapotis ;)
Yowser, that's terrible mate. I wouldn't blame you for getting very, very angry with them.
Oh, no!!! I'm so sorry for you!!
Oh NOOOOO!!!! That's so frustrating, disappointing, and saddening. I'm sending you virtual hugs.
Just a question... but how did you wash it?
handwashed with cool water as always
That's really weird... I wonder if it's something with that particular color? Still shouldn't have felted... that really sucks.
Oh, I'm so sorry. That's horrible!
So sorry.
ow! Knitters everywhere feel your pain x
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