I had to spend time at both places because of course both cry for Mommy but when I'm there they cry for Daddy. That was fun!! NOT!!!
When my daughter got sent home were were so excited how she was doing and insisted on taking her home before we could see the DR because that'd be another day or 2... phewww! They got a hold of the DR and I spoke with him so I was able to do so... Thank goodness! Well it couldn't go as planned of course.. On our way home coming off the highway off the ramp I was at a stop sign because of oncoming traffic and a very young girl rear ended us!!! Ohh lucky us...
A few small dings on the car and because I have a fairly new car 2 years old this year.... It has those locking seat belts that when you have your foot on the brake they lock!! Well of course they did their job but at the same time gave me multiple bruise immediately! The downfall is there no play in them so you don't' go flying but they HURT! So after exchanging information and stuff, called my husband who wanted me to call the police. I couldn't put my daughter through any more trauma of the police showing up with ambulances for us, that would mean flat boards & neck braces and a ride to the hospital that would frighten the witts out of her especially if we couldn't be together.. She wasn't hurt as bad because the should strap she put across her chest instead because it digs into her neck.. She had bounced back into the seat and was stiff against the seat scared out of her mind asking me what had happened!
I told here we were hit by another car an accident and not to move until mommy checked her out.. When she did gracefully.. She's so good! She had some redness and was very sore... If she didn't complain of her neck I most likely would of not gone tot he hospital. The girl who hit us was so worried especially after finding out I had a young child in the car with me.. She kept apologizing up and down. She meant to slam on the brake and punched the gas instead of break to slow down on the off ramp!! Geezzz I had to think fast here I have a teenager who drives.. She was of course upset and I didn't want to send her off driving in that state of mind.. I checked her and her car made sure the hood could open and everything was in working order.. Told her not to worry to much thats why they call them accidents, a police car drove by us and she started jumping up & down to flag him to stop.. Of course not , not around here...I'm mean no one is committing murder of something... I did call them on my way to the hospital and they said to go online to get accident reports and drop one off that we didn't need a car.. So much for there job titles to SERVE AND PROTECT!!! They forget to care about the serve part I guess there to busy cruising around and parking to read the daily papers...Who knows.....Whole other subject there...
When arriving at the hospital and finding out we had the accident, of course stretchers and neck braces ... My daughter started freaking out in the emergency room and refused So I told her to just lay with me on mine.... The nurses wasn't to pleased but I told her she just had a traumaticing experience and we just left about an hour ago. She looked us up in the computer and said looks like your daughter is still upstairs the paperwork hasn't gone through or updated and her record was still on the floor which we had to wait for them to retrieve those before we could be seen.. They took us in right away under the circumstances so that was good. We spent most of the night there didn't leave until well after midnight after a full range of X-Rays on me!! My daughter had 101 questions to the radiology tech's... Tooo funny!
I can't believe how many views they needed to take. They wouldn't take off the neck brace which of course was digging into the bruises from the seat belts.. OUCH!
They gave me drugs and finally took it off after finding nothing broken but lots of pulls, bruising inside/out, some swelling on the side of neck & shoulder, strains, sprains and whatever she said basically all of the above...
same with my daughter... Good things.. We can go home and sleep in our beds for a change! My daughter was just being weined off the codeine and now they said to give her some more for a few days...
After a day and half rest the appointment and follow ups have started up again. Good news she got to go back to school today! She s so happy to see her friends again at school!! I spoke with the teacher to let her know first, she expected the class to be a little disrupted by her return....
My son doesn't have structural damage which is the good news but still not much for answers and alot of I don't' knows and more tests to come ..I had a follow up with my surgeon and he wants to take my gallbladder out next week the 30th!! It's about time and a long long time coming too.. I've had so many attacks and stones sludge,infections regularly for a few years now and more recently for the past year it's not emptying and contracting properly!! So this is long overdue for sure just bad timing!! I got it scheduled into June to give me a little break with stuff and before my sons tests come up. So June 5th DH 40th birthday, pre-op for breast reduction, June 11th if scopes, lots of biopsies for colon cancer I'm a very high risk and removal for polyps... Last day of school that day too for my daughter and then June 13th is the gallbladder surgery. June 16th DH back yard party, a neighbor/friend is helping me with her DH is coming home from Cuba that week (for a couple months then has to goto Iraq) so it's a combination party. June 17th Fathers day & my son's friend's birthday party
All I can remember at the moment without looking at all my appointment cards and calender.. YIKES!! So I need the next week and half to rest up... Oh and of course the 18th summer camp starts 9-12 Mon -Thurs and so does my son's tests and specialist start too. We even need to see another neurologist/neurosurgeon as well in-between sometime...
In the meantime I'm excited about the Tea Swap 3 I signed up for... Zeneedle is my partner!! We have so much in common this will be a piece of cake....heeeheee I can have a little fun in my life this year!! YIPPIE!!
So this is the short version of my life, I'm sure I've forgot some highlights but how can one manage... I'll never know, I'm so numb it isn't even funny!
I haven't touched any knitting in so long, I sure hope I remember how to... I'm still working on my STR Hippy Crunch socks, see this is how far I got a few months ago....

I really like the colorway I just hope I can figure out where I left off in the pattern.
Oh, my goodness. I thought that there was drama in my life!! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that the second half of 2007 is better than the first has been for you.
Good luck. :)
There is just too too much going on in your life! May you find time to breath and take care of yourself!! Maybe a care package is in order;-)
Breathe in, breathe out and take things one day at a time. Remember, if you don't take care of yourself you will not be able to take care of your family!
Dear LORD! When it rains, it pours, doesn't it??!
I'm sorry things have been so hectic!!
What are your favorite loose-leaf teas?
I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time! With all the things that are going on, I think you deserve something really, really nice to happen to you. Soon.
Surgery is never fun, but I hope that it will give you at least a couple of days of knitting and relaxing time. You need an opportunity to catch your breath and re-focus on you. That's so hard to do when the rest of the family needs you, but it's very, very important.
Thank goodness you weren't seriously hurt in that accident!
I wish life would get easier for you. Sorry to hear all that is going on.
Thoughts and prayers.
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