I received my most generous box of goodies from
Margene for the Knitters Tea Swap!
This was received late yesterday!

See all the Pretty paper. She's such a delightful person!

Passing the kitty inspection first....

Kitty was very intrigued by these items very first!

who can blame her, a kitty after my own heart.. Spinning fiber fun not one but 2 of these wonderful thrums from
Spinderella's Creations. Wool/Alpaca blend which is nice for petting of course but fun to spin up with the extra fun surprises blended in the rovings.. See closer to the detail or the interesting colors.. Oh this will be lots of fun to spin up!!
How lucky is Margene to have a local mill near to her to keep up with her fiber additons....LOL We have to ship our stuff out to processors or process ourselves around here.

goodness I've never had the pleasure nor experience of trying Spunky Eclectic Super Nova in Chocolate Covered Cherries!!! hmm Nope not edible but very yummy indeed! Look at the gorgeous color blends....

then another great color choice of
On-Line Sock yarn
both choices are most definitely me and ones I'd choose myself! She couldn't have picked better colors if I was with her!!!

Now she must know I've always been wanting wooden sock blockers... Now Thanks to her I have a set of wooden sock blockers...heeheee Love these little guys.. Key chain and with misc socks with samples to knit up right away.... YAHOOO!!

Also I love this wonderful brew in mug, the box said color Olive but to my surprise when I opened it, it's a beautiful cross of periwinkle/nautical blue color.. Ohhh definitely me for sure! Great size and the brew cup inside can fit in most any mug as well!

Other really awesome items included, a very cool stitch marker from Loopy Ewe in red of course which I'm very fond of besides blue....my 2 most favorite colors of course.. A very neat little book that holds a pad of post-its note pads and one's included from
Lantern Moon, has a great stitched design on the front (red)a very neat card (which I forgot in my first package I sent, I was to excited about getting it to her), in the photo has 16 cakes of yarn thats very colorful & cheery! A couple of sample packages of Walkers shortbread cookies (which I've never tried either), 3 mini bars of chocolate (ginger, jasmine & orange blossom tea flavored), a box of 4 melted truffles of some sort I'm guessing but tasted very good, a bag of
Ying Ming Tea from Tea Grotto and a box of
Ahmad tea Evening Decaf tea....
Last but not least a cute tea cup magnet which was attached to a round purple tea tin which I assumed was tea until I opened it to make a cup to try because I didn't know the type it was, and it wasn't tea but FULL of chocolate candy covered sunflower seeds, which is ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE Of mine and my 19 y/o whose been eagerly awaiting to take some... we've been arguing over them since I found them last night.....heeehee... Guess whose winning!??
Isn't it just amazing how well you can get to know someone online you've never met!!
WE defiantly had a great partnering system by Suzi this round!! WOOHOOO! Thank you Both very much for making my life a little brighter these days!
Thank you for great fun and new friendship!