Here's one pair of socks. Pattern is from the new book "Friendly Sock Compilation, Vol II: A-Z and more".
16 author/designers: Debra Barker, Debra Chinn, Marcia Cordell, Michelle Fischer, Bonnie Franz, Sheron Goldin, Kathy Nehrenz, Joan Macleod, Claudia Tietze, Jeanie Townsend, Linda Walsh, Charlton Wilbur, Nancy Wild, KyleAnn Williams, Becky Yoder, and me, Laura Andersson (editor).
Book 1 is $24 and 4.50 priority ship; Book 2 is
$28 and 4.50 priority ship.
Book 2 is about 140 pages, with 40+ patterns & articles from 16 different designers you know. These are FULL-SIZE, books, not skimpy!
As well, there are helpful articles on topics such as how to use handspun in that new pattern you bought!
Books have plastic covers for protection over cardstock covers, spiral binding to lay flat, and full color. there's also a pocket for your notes and etc!
Pricing: Book 1, $24 and $4.50 priority ship
Book 2, $28 and $4.50 priority ship.
Special offer: if you order both books together, then you can
have free shipping (a $9 value) or 20% off book 1.
PS paypal to,
(btw I have some patterns in it, I was published for the first time this year!!)
the pattern that I have been working on here is called Big Yellow Taxi designed by Becky Yoder
which I only changed the colors for July.....thought it looked pretty neat....

So I weighed out my yarn and all to make sure I had enough but opps.. Guess what not! Hoping someone can help me out here maybe possibly.....pretty please, my toes will be very cold....and another shade/color didn't look right.....

I'm in immediate desperately seeking if anyone happens to have a few
yards in their sock yarn leftovers of
Louet Gems Pearl in Cherry Red?
Dyelot 80.1112-8 but NOT necessary just need a few yards to finish up
a toe is all..
I love leftovers if you don't need them , can work out arrangements
for them please email me off list. I'm on the east coast but don't
care where it comes from ......
Then I'll be back to my recovery! promise.....yeah right! Seriously yes, back to the couch for a nap!
The socks are so cool! I hope you can get more yarn. It's good to hear you're doing better. Hopefully the test will show no other problems!! Take care and big hug!
glad to hear that you're knitting again! it really does help!!! i wish i could help you out with your yarn, but sadly, i have no LG. good luck! i'm sure someone will have some! and please, please take care of yourself and don't overdo it!
I will check tonight when I get home.
Take care of yourself! And I hope you continue to get better and better!!
Wow, you've had a rough time! Take care of yourself. I'm so glad they're finding out what's going on, particularly with heart-related stuff. Rest and knit and get better!
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