Zonda had turned me onto Sunshine Yarns from Dani a while ago and I swore I'd never shop on those etsy shops...but I
Just couldn't resist some new colors from Dani over at Sunshine Yarns present for the 4th.....lol

Colorado Sunset....Lots of colors.. Can you imagine a sunset with those colors here on Cape Cod on the East coast?? DH has taken me out on the boat to watch sunsets (years ago) and some of the most absolute gorgeous one I've ever seen with but this must be more beautiful! One of our neighbors is from out west (CO)and say they are the most beautiful he's ever seen..

other side

a little closer view pretty accurate color on my screen here too

ohhh & ahhh over Indie.. How could anyone resist.. Don't you just love chocolate and the different shades of browns & pink together

she included a free gift sample of this Wool Wash called Soak too.. can't wait to try it

No patterns in mind yet, I just received the yarn over the weekend and still petting and admiring....debating on what to knit with them...Of course socks! ;o)) any one have any thoughts or ideas?
hehe, I can be quite the enabler huh! Nice colorways!
OMG!!! The CO Sunset is just silly gorgeous!! Unbelievable!!!
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