it came with this yarn in Periwinkle which I like the color a bit more on the purply side of what I expected for periwinkle and I think it's to scratchy for my taste

and was thinking of substituting with this one Cascade Ecological

these buttons were included which would go with either yarn

Now I can't decide... What to do? I want to cast on like yesterday so I can get this done this done before the cold weather starts
HELP! Opinions please!
I'm in the midst of ripping mine - it looked awful on me (I'm not exactly little). I really enjoyed knitting with the Peace Fleece though - it softened a lot when it was blocked but there's no mistaking it as anything but an outerwear yarn.
Aw, go ahead and try it.
If you don't like the way it turns out, you can always rip it out and make felted bags out of it.
Do get enough done in periwinkle first so that you can try it on and get an idea how it will look before you do it over in the Cascade. You just might find that it isn't the yarn that bothers you the most after all, but the pattern.
I'd vote for the Eco wool if it is softer! You can always overdye it if you don't like it neutral. But that periwinkle is pretty!
BTW, I've heard PF is hard to felt...well on purpose that is.. ;)
I think I like the Cascade Ecological wool better. You can always use the scratchy wool for felting later. Good luck on your choice!
Knit a swatch and wash as you would the finished garment. Maybe the Peace Fleece will soften up. If not, I'm sure the Ecological Wool will look perfect too.
You want to be happy with the finished product, no use making something that'll cause you to scratch yourself bloody!
I like the periwinkle for the color--it's very pretty!
I'm knitting the same sweater in charcoal gray and it is scratchy yet the fabric against my skin isn't bothering me. It' outerwear for sure tho!
I like the Eco, with the wood buttons, I think you'd be able to wear it with more!
I love the Eco wool. It's a dream to knit with! I think it'll be a great sub for the other yarn!!
I love the Periwinkle. It's such a pretty color. I would definitely knit a swatch and see if it softens up after a wash though.
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