Some progress being done with the sock yarn blanket so far and moving on..

Haven't decided yet on keeping it for my son, raffling or sell it outright....... Any suggestions?
Please contact me for arrangements of your unwanted leftovers, I could also make you mini sock earrings (sterling wires nothing cheap) or something else

Please send me your requests for your unwants that will get all used up for sure!
On the home front. girls are fine but my son had another seizure. Apparently a much longer one during the night but I didn't catch till the end. It was very unusual and different for him too.. 4am in a fetal position covered in urine & stool... Literally a mess! He was so scared and tired.
Dh of course become a DR overnight and said he's fine put him back to bed.....He's standing watch me in the bathroom knee deep in crap.. Duh!! Help me!! Poor kid standing up now sleeping swaying back and forth... I wanted to page the Dr right then and there, but DS was responsive so I didn't think to much let alone half asleep myself......
cleaned up and we went back to sleep for about 3+ hours or so then I paged the DR
Dr called me back right away, after lecturing me about what I should've done differently like give him valium! Call 911 then move him and clean him while waiting for assistance... and wy I didn't!
Then had me give him more meds and up then again now 2 meds on higher dose and in a couple weeks bring him in for tests.
Geez! They make me feel like I should've known?? Well I didn't and no one ever said do this or that if you see this or find that!! Not to mention like they want someone else to see and not believe me what I witnessed and seen???
Kids move around alot in their sleep sometimes have accidents although extremely unusual for him, he never has. The DR says when someone has a lengthy type and seizing to long bodily fluids come loose....
I've been beating myself up for days now how I failed as a mom, why didn't I know why didn't I call 911 and give him valium.... Shit! I should've taken some valium!! LOL
How does anyone get used to this stuff??!!
thankful it's school vacation this week and we've been having a very laid back week.... He's doing much better not quite himself. I'm a little fearful that going back to school Monday with extra meds he maybe a bit off through the adjustment over the next week or so, but otherwise seems ok not not fully up to par.....
With all these types of meds has been losing he appetite not to mention weight loss 4 .5 lbs since the holidays.... I went back to one of his DRs to asked for ensure for him, our insurance would usually cover it and it's getting expensive at $13 per 6 pk and he likes them enough where he'll drink one for me.. He gets hungry asks for food then sits and looks at it and not hungry.. So If I get him to drink a bottle of ensure it makes me happier in knowing he;s getting some nutrition... The DR agreed and our insurance company denied him, I've appealed it which is a process so int he meantime I asked my own DR and it was approved.. I told him the situation and he wrote it for 200 bottles a month... Which is good and we can get different flavors to try... Only available in Chocolate, Vanilla & strawberry! He's also getting 2 spoonfuls of ice cream every morning and yogurt for mixing meds or opening capsules he can't swallow.... Not sure what else I can do.. I can't force him to eat.... I've never had a problem with him eating until this year with the different and added meds......
dragging out another basket of leftover sock yarns from the bedroom and will be putting all the little squares together and adding as I attach all the 3 together pieces....
Planning on quite weekend and shoveling to keep up with the snow today and tomorrow... Suppose to snow all day today through the night apparently, problem being New England weather is so very unpredictable! earlier in the week in the 50s then below freezing, now snow then probably rain thereafter along with cold temps...Gotta love New England! Especially the Cape! Actually much better then towards Boston area.. We're right on the line.. Either get slammed from coastal issues and goes out to sea.. Which this time is not the case....
Jammy day!