Hand dyed, handspun, hand knit and embellished!

here's a close up of the left hand one

and the right hand

Aren't they just awesome! The best part they really do keep my hands and fingers very warm, even the exposed part of my fingers...
Surgery Update:
First Thank you for all the well wishes, very much appreciate! I thought I've been loosing readers lately, since my comments seem to have decreased, and blogger hasn't been sending me messages all the time when I receive a comment either?
Surgery was tougher then expected and the DR said I was very agitated before & after. Spoke to him twice yesterday.
They repaired 3 breaks, deviation and cleaned out all infected areas and scraped the cartilage for polops, and who knows what else. I have a couple plastic splints in wrapped with gauze & mini ice packs with little straws hanging out my nose and stitched through.. Was a bit swollen yesterday & last night to be expected of course, some minor bruising which I bet will get worse over the next few days.
He gave me 3 very strong antibiotics too!
I had paged the DR this morning I look very scary this morning and my face went from a golf ball look to more like a tennis ball and it's much more difficult to apply bacitracin now...
Popping those pain meds all night and have to sleep in a chair like upright position.
thought I'd share the cute mitts I received earlier this week and my updates. Hope I'm making some sense. Will be offline most of the weekend I'm sure!
I hope you improve...FAST.
Here hopeing that you recover quickly!
cute Bees!
Hope you are feeling better soon! The gloves are too cute.
The gloves are cute! I hope for a speedy recovery for you
I've been thinking of you and wondering how you got on. I hope you feel loads better soon. It was when the splints came out that I felt a lot better, so I hope it's soon for you. Hang in there and take care of yourself.
The mitts are very cute.
These bees are soooo cute! Just the thing to cheer you up:)
Hope you feel better REAL soon!!
Wow. That was a major surgery? Why wasn't that all dealt with the first time?! You poor thing. Do you have a comfy chair, too? I have practically lived in mine. I would send it, but I'm still using it. You need lots of rest and fluids, and I'll be praying you don't get infected.
I'm sorry that your surgery & recovery has been so painful. I'm keeping you in my thoughts. I hope that you start feeling better from all of this very soon.
Recovery is sounding quite tough. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and an easier time with it overall! I hope you feel better soon.
In the meantime, I have tagged you! Come over and visit my blog for details! Hey- it's something to do right? Hopefully it will help distract you!
I have been thinking about you and wondering how you have been feeling. I am so glad that you are doing better and I hope that is just continuse to get better and better!!
Cute gloves!! Get plenty of rest!!
That's awful! Wishing you a quick recovery!
They did finish this time, right?
*grumbles, smacks doctor upside the head*
Happy Christmas!
I tagged you for the six weird things meme. (when you are feeling up to it) "THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird things about you." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly.In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog." :) Hope you don't mind.
Hope that you are feeling better, and that you have a GREAT CHRISTMAS!
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