WAIT now
Please don't fall off your chairs~!
IT's a PINK phone! Yes I know Pink!
I know so out of character for me but look it's cute!
I gave up my Nextel for this, I sure hope it's worth it and 100 less anytime minutes ... YIKES! but free calling from mobile to mobile who have sprint or nextel to make up for it...

not quite 1/2 inch in width too!

look how tiny it is......

and it only weighs about 95grams my scale isn't sitting exactly flat here.... It's so light~!

Such a deal it was way to hard to resist, picture in picture phone with all kids of fun stuff, my daughter loves pink and she really needed a new phone for Christmas, who could pass up the buy one get one free offer?? I have 60 or 90 days to decide if I want to keep it or exchange for a different color or model... I did add the insurance to this phone for sure, I'm so used to my nextel I'm afarid I might break this one...
hmmm Whats a gal to do?
Cute phone!! I must resist.....
That's such a cute little phone!!
Cute phone!!!
Hey! I have the same phone in blue! I've had it since September, and I love it!
What a cute little phone!
That is a very cute little phone!! I am going to be getting a new one in a few weeks! It's so fun!
I love the picture with the phone on the digital scale.
You are so organized now! I still keep my needles in a plastic bag at the bottom of my yarn closet. Maybe that ought to change.
Great phone! And the green yarn makes me happy just looking at it. Green yarn always makes me smile.
Love your new phone! It's so cool!
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