Saucy Sport White 2 100g & 5 50g all is here will frog the swatch before shipping out Taken

2 Rowan Handknit Dk cotton col # 254 - Taken

2 1/2 Deco Ribbon Crystal Palace lt pink

3 3/4 Robin facination - Pending

13 oz cotton & rayon each in center pull ball/cakes

7 Patons Cotton Sahara - Taken

7 Grignasco Safari lt blue and 3 a darker shade - Pending

5 Benat Fifth Avenue Chennile

2 Classic Elite Pima Cotton Black & 1 Red

2 Adriafil curioso fantasy yellow, 1 Schachenmayr brazilia fantasy color #380, 1 Berroco Candy FX col#8739 & 1 KOS white sol#SP-73

adding but photos not available:
3 sk of baroffa settembre in a redish verigated colorway
4 sks berroco cotton twist in a Dk green, really nice yarn 70/30 cotton/rayon
1 3/4 sk Cha Cha color Beebop
10 sks Benat cotton newport color -
600 yards silk/nylon thread type yarn on a cone, too shiny for me but probably enough for a clapotis yardage wise anyway. - Pending
3 sks Josharp wool a mustard sort of color
1 sk Bernat Baby Cordinates Aqua/pink - taken
1 TLC Heathers purple haze
2 sks Welcomme Virevoite viscoe/arcylic sortof like a thick chennile
1 black & 1 Dk brown
1/2 sk lopi red - taken
1 Reynolds deluxe Dk red
1 Soft N Safe red
1 TLC deep red
1 Rowan All season cotton Navy (denim like color)
2 Plymouth Encore Dk Grey
3+ sks turqoue mohair with white spots here & there
1 complete set of 14" bamboos straights in a zipped fabric case in good shape sizes 2.0mm through 8.0mm
Sorry, trying to get rid of all my cotton myself! Can't possibly allow any more cotton to enter my house.
grrrr...boy.. You have to tempt me with the real jeans cotton... hmmm and that fasination..can you tell me a bit more about them?
I have 3 oz of white alpaca I never spun.. its cleaned and carded..
I know it's not a total trade.. but it's a start.. what else ya need?
My goodness that's a lot of great stuff! Too bad I'm on a serious yarn diet now...
yummy yarn loot!
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