Well here's my soft & cozy red sock, I knitted it using a strand of very soft cotton blend yarn with a strand of red kid mohair... OHH LAA LAA!! This has to be the most softest luxurious pair of socks I've ever worn. It's been several weeks since I made them.
I've been trying to play with my daughter's new camera and we're not even sure how we got this picture up but we did! Not sure we can do it again, it was pure accident for sure! She wants to return it for another one and I want to buy a simpler one to use for myself, since mine broke and I can't find anywhere to send it out to be fixed....I'm looking for recommendations on which digital camera to purchase. The other sock is on my foot and we tried to take a picture of them but this camera just isn't at easy as we thought it's a Sony cyber-shot. Neither of us like this one that's for sure! ;o(((

Luxurious Soft & Cozy Red Socks

Well my sever has been down for a couple days, so I had more time to spin! I've spun more white merino & I also spun some white and black llama together by taking strips of the two rovings and drafting together. Not as easy as I thought. I watched someone at a demo one night doing this and she made it look so easy! However, I do like the tweedy effect on the single, I can't wait to ply this one to see how it turns out....
I received a package today from
www.woolworks.com my new Valkyrie combs, sock yarn and little WPI stick I hung of my wheel.... It's so neat! I was so excited, they arrived so quickly, it was just shipped out late on Thursday afternoon. Now these combs are definitely something I'm going to have to get used to. I hear there top of the line for combs I guess but now if I could use them the way I was showed by my friend Charice last weekend then I'd be all set. I wish I tried here's instead of sitting back and watching her as I was sniffing all her lovely soaps curing! Kicking myself in the butt now! OH well something else for me to practice, I only did a couple minutes but stuck myself a little bit......She certainly did warn me that they were dangerous for kids.....I think she really meant me anything sharp and me just don't get along, I better keep them away from my husband or he may hide them on me... I'm dangerous with tools, knives or anything sharp but only to myself by accident.......LOL I'm forever cutting myself with something.
Off for more medicine and heat, pace the floors, the cold weather is making all my muscles stiffen up and arthritis kick in very badly! Too much pain I can't sleep the drugs make me so tired but the pain keeps me up..
So I guess I'll just have to knit a little and wait to see Maggie put up a picture of her new felted tote bag that I made her! It's pretty wild!! And doesn't walk! lol I do hope she was surprised and enjoys it. She's such a wonderful person and deserving friend who not only brings me back chocolate from Germany without eating it! ;o)) Also shares with me all the time ;o)) Is she trying to bribe me to be her friend?