It was a hot muggy summer night last night so I was mixing up some wine, sierra mist, sliced oranges with ice. I needed something after a long week....

when suddenly the UPS man come to my door with a very mysterious package in a USPS priority box? Odd after 7:30PM for UPS but not the regular mail (normally we get our mail usually about dinner time on some days even later) no return address but UPS store address? What did I order something and forgot about it did I? That has been known to happen once in a blue moon! lol Did I win a contest? Naaa I couldn't be so lucky! I would know right?
to my surprise I found this inside thinking only very few people a wrap orders in... So this was from someone who wanted that extra special touch

3 wrapped gifts with a card with gold stars.. (looks to be handmade too) & tea...hmmmm I had to open the card first just to curious as to who this mystery package is from ..
It's from my OSSP! Who warns me she's a blog stalker!

A neat clear knitting bag from The Studio! This must be a clue as to who she is, either it's her LYS or she works there.... Either way it looks like a great place to visit if your ever in or around the Kansas City, MO, area. Well it's obvious she could be from MO or was visiting. Still a mystery

The Blue Moon Fair Isling book!
honestly I think she's more then just your ordinary blog stalker,I say this for a couple reasons too.. First I've been eyeing this book before it became available then I was went to BMFA website just a few days ago put the book into my shopping cart then was distracted can't remember if I hit pay summit order or not kids totally distracted me. Fighting over nothing of course.... So I was going to go back and check my payments out this weekend. Boom days later this arrives!!! How strange is this?? Told you she can't be no ordinary blog stalker... hmmm A mind reader or physic too!

Last but not least a skein of STR mediumweight in Dutch Canyon which is great and just in time to start thinking of fall/winter socks too.. 4 more weeks the kids go back to school!! ;o) More knitting time for me (hopefully).. YEAH!

closer view of the front

closer view of the back side

all these gorgeous colors into one beautiful skein!
Thank you so much OSSP!! Big {{hugs}} defiantly a start of a beautiful weekend! You've been so wonderful with your spoiling me with your generosity the OSSP I hate to see it coming to and end so soon!! The summer sure has been fying by. I hope your getting spoiled from your OSSP as much as you've been spoiling me! It's been so much fun looking forward to find you out next month.
Have a great weekend!
definite spoilage here!
Wow, what an amazing package you received - the yarn totally rocks, I'm blown away by these colors! Looking forward to seeing what you're going to make with it!
wow great package u lucky girl
Yum! And look at that package! Can't wait to see the pretty yarn all knit up.
What a wonderful package! Let us know about the book.
What a GREAT package! Enjoy it all :-)
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