This package landed very quickly yesterday in a small box all wrapped in pretty pink tissue paper... I felt terrible that a package is lost and she resent one especially all the time & effort let alone the cost....How's that saying goes again? 'Good things come in small packages' and 'Good things come to those who wait'they certainly do for sure! this was inside!

a sampling of Twinings Infusions tea 'Cranberry Raspberry & Elderflower', 'Chamomolie & Limeflowers', 'Blackcurrant Ginseng & Vanilla', & 'Echinacea & Raspberry' which I look forward to trying, Twining has some very good teas.hmmm now how'd she know I like tea? Another blog stalker perhaps? A felted box she made from Mason Dixon Knitting book which is great for holding notions and the most lucious yarn I ever did see feel touch & fondle..I think it's a new luxury one from Classic Elite yarns 'Posh'
I will be off fondling my new skein often! Not sure what it will become yet she recommended a cowl in her lovely note
A HUGE THANK YOU FOR My GREAT One Skein SP!! {{hugs}}
Hope everyone enjoys the long holiday weekend! (stay safe!)
PS: My Herb Chicken recipe didn't win last night, bummer maybe next time Chamomile Biscotti did though.
Awesome yarn, cashmere and silk blend!cute Mason Dixon felted box too.
Wow how lucky for you!!! A skein and a felted box. I'm having trouble figuring out what to make and someone has already started.
how nice!!
i love all the teas.
hey is there any pattern
to the wins?
wonder if mixing spearmint
w/ chamomile was a factor?
you should win next time!
That is a wonderful gift.
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