Introducing Let's Twist Again Socks, The May sock kit month on the Whenever list It was offer in 3 colors. This was the Chickadee colorway with solid coral on the cuff and twinned in the heel. Its with Louet Sales Gems Opal sport & sport fine merino yarns

I like the yarn so much that I had to order the other colorways. (Yes I guess I went off the summer yarn diet!) opps!

Parrot with solid in willow for cuff

next up Bluebird with Carribean for cuffs

now isn't this Cherry Red in pearl absolutly a gorgeous red!

A contest I won from Laura a few months back she totally got me off guard here she sent me a couple skeins of some nice wool for felted slippers this fall/winter.... Tahki Donegal Tweed in a couple shades of greens... Hmm I think this maybe was the prize for closest guess for a date or something on the list not the blog contest. (still taking the pain meds but not so much during the daytime can you tell....heeheee)In any case I can't remember doesn't matter look.....

some extra goodness
a skein of Nepal spun silk in denium

a book I've never heard of The Urban Knitter by Lily Chin
very unique book, interesting, I love it! Has lots of neat things to make

then all these teas, tea tins, mints, hard candies, potpourri and a very neat wooden box for tea I guess..All to help cheer me up during the worst surgery recovery period for anyone! Sinus's can be such a pain!

It's been so miserable this past week and all this wonderful stuff packed into a box to cheer me up! THANK YOU SO MUCH Laura! I really do love everything... I sure perked up when it arrived! Just wish I could smell the potpourri & teas! The DR says another week or so I hsould be up & around more.. Probably by the end of this coming week. Well I kinda have to be kids back to school a week from Wednesday. One mroe week to keep my head down, so miserable to sit up for a long time.
Ok back to the bed of pillows & TV to veg, whine and breathe with my jaw I just had to take the time (which took hours to walk around take photos then sit at the computer, trust me HOURS) to post about this awesome package with my order and all the extra goodness & goodies!!
Thanks again Laura I'm so looking forward to having a cuppa tea or two or three tomororw....and a very nice sock pattern to.. Do I make the other colorways the same pattern or should I come up with something else for them.. I know I'll be using them come the cold weather for sure! I can't decide but then again I'm in no shape to try to make any decisons right now not the right frame of mind, whatever they same whoever they are.. Anyway would love ideas for them..anyone?
Anyone out there anymore?
Oh went ahead and joined another KAL for the California Hiker sock in the Friendly's Sock book, it not to late to order yourself a copy and join the KALon the Friendly Socks List!
OH My DH & kids are on their way home haven't seen them all week since they took me home after surgery..They about 45 mintues or so away and the highway is closed down and they re-routed some detour and DH has no clue but they'll be here soon!! asked me for directions.....heehee Hope I sent him the right way on those back roads.... They should all be tired...heehee I hope anyway since my head hurts, teeth cheeks, everything and a massive type of headache I've never had like this...So different can't compare to a migrane at all.. Kinda wish it was then I'd know what to expect..Lots of pressure pain especially from getting up & down walking around...Very strange how you feel after this! Been feverish too had to call the DR again.. 100-101 holding steady 3 days now.....he wants to see me again.... ;o(( I did finish all the antibiotic he gave me!?
What great yarn! I love Louet so much!
Oh, Soapy - so sorry. Wish I could email you some chicken soup and some ice cream!
I hope you feel better soon.
OH! I hope your recovery goes better now that your family is back. Fell better!
I hope you feel better soon! Those sock yarns look very yummy, I am jealous. :)
Very nice socks you have knitted and a lot of nice yarn you got there, too. I hope you will feel better soon!
Your socks are so gorgeous, and hey, no one can blame you for getting all this yarn, you certainly deserved it after all you've been through lately! These colors are sooo awesome! Yummy!
Hope you're feeling better soon. What a great package to cheer you up!
What a fab package.
The socks look lovely.
Hope you feel better soon.
funny how the closeup changed the color of the lime willow yarn huh?
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