The DR made me cry he hurt me so bad so it's not a very good day to be taking pictures holding my head in certain postions, but I did manage to take some marco pictures for
our weekly assignment, over at the
Knitty. Took me most of the day to accomplish them.. Good Luck




so my and my kitty are just hanging out the past couple days, she took a little break from me to play..I guess I'm being boring so she wanted to entertain herself

Sorry about the doc - pretty kitty!
All the best of luck to you - and I so love your kitty, what a beauty!
1) Kitty fur!
2) carpet?
3) candle
4) no clue
Hope you're feeling better today!
#1 Toilet paper
#2 Bathroom Rug
#3 Bathroom sink drain
#4 Bathroom shower/tub tile
Your cat is a nut!
Hope you're doing better!
1 - cotton ball
2 - cat food
3 - foam in a cup
4 - cookie
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