It's cool purple red and yellow inside... Alot of my mugs get stained inside hard to scrub them out too! I hate it even though they are really clean they don't look it inside. SO a new one is good ;o{}
and my MIL sent this for me which I alreay have 2 on the fireplace she gave me for Christmas last year. (the one on the right) hmmmm

Could this be some sort of a sign or what?
My kids have a wrapped present for me to for my upcoming birthday in Sept. but it's yarn, I asked her to pick up some CTH at her LYS because I wasn't coming out this time. Why wrap it for my birthday? I even told her to grab the cash from DH? Odd but since I'm not in dire need of it I;ll wait to open it....so I told the kids to hide it so no picture right now.. sorry. ;o(
DR called me again this afternoon to check on me, how sweet, yeah right he's going to scrap me nose again in the morning, suggest that I may want to take a couple pain pills before coming in. Isn't that nice of him... oh and he'll numb it ALOT too! (then I'll beheading to my regular infusion treatment of remicade which I'm a couple weeks late because of this surgery. So ought to be fun! NOT! He did say that this is a very slow healing process and that I should start to slowly feel better this week, So I guess I should be sort of happ to report that I'm slowly feeling better? OK A little better but not to much so don't jump for joy just yet... Tomorrow will set me back a couple days again! I certianly will enjoy today and tonight sleeping a little better then the next few days.
Back to laying down knitting, have learned that I can only do mindless type of kniting while laying down..Don't suggest anything fancy thats for sure..
Number Guy would like to visit Cedar Point. I prefer to keep mu lunch on the inside, thank you very much.
Try not to hurt too much tomorrow. Sleep well tonight!
I know you were glad to see the family! Hope all goes well at the Dr.tomorrow.
Take care you! Hope tomorrow isn't too bad! hugs!
I hope all goes well at the doc! Sending you good thoughts!
Your MIL with the lighthouses reminds me of my Grandma. She sent me the SAME birthday card over and over (with $5) what seemed like YEARS in a row!!
take care of yourself.
we soak our mugs in a little bleach water every so often.
in between a little vinegar helps loosen things.
of course a dark cup is best, LOL
Hope all goes well - sounds like you're really going through it at the moment. Look after yourself!
That sounds like words I'd never want to hear from my doctor, take pain pills before you come, and I'm going to numb you a lot. Ouch!
I bet you are glad to have your family home!! It sounds like they had a wonderful time. I have a mug just like that! My niece got it for me. Your light house is great! I get those for my MIL for her birthday and christmas her house is filled with little lighthouse's
Hope all goes well tomorrow!! Get plenty of rest!!
Awww, hoping today went well for you and that you are now resting comfy!!
Happy early BDay =)
Cedar Point ROCKS!!! Hubby and I drove there one weekend just to ride the coasters and come home. That was before having a kid. We loved it. We hope to go back over the next few summers.
Oh, such goodies you got! I love that mug - I'm collecting mugs and this one would sure be a "Must-get"!
I do hope that everything went well with you and you're back now to relaxing and getting better!
Sending healing thoughts your way.... and lots of hugs
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