hmmm Now I know I haven't ordered this stuff because I've been looking forever for these. Clip & Dry Hangers!! A set of 6 of them!!! TOTALLY UNBELEIVABLE!! Thank you so much my SP8. Found 2 invoices with a message.. "I know there not round but thought they might do. Keep up the knitting and get well soon! Kris"

The sweetest best SP from Germany that anyone could ask for had asked me in the beginnning of SP8 if there was anything special I'd like from Germany. hmm now besides socks yarns chocolate what elee could I think of? This is the same SP who sent me lots of Regia Sock yarns last month....;o() and of course all those truffles and kinder eggs eariler this summer.
Well the thing that really stuck in my mind was this really cool hanger dyer thingy that Maggie introduced me too one that she picked up one time while visiting Germany. I thought it was the BEST thing for hand knitted socks. Don't you think it's a must have for every sock knitter...picture a bit blurry because they want to spin

Thank you for such a wonderful summer of toal spoilage!! You've been TERRIFIC! SO Lucky to have a new blog friend from SP8! Lots of HUGS.. It was such a nice suprise to come home to after such a terrible painful day only 7 bruises here's a few that are very tender.
the side of my cheek

and my arms & hands.

I think the pictures make it look worse so I'm not taking anymore
Hopefully they won't last to long
Getting lots of rest today. My older DD took her sister to a fair for the day and my DS is very happy staying with mom playing videos games and being me klennex, gauze, tape and saline spray.....lol
I love the hangers!
Ouch, 7 bruises! It really does look painful... Glad the hangers made it, it's so pretty with all the socks on it!
--Your SP8 from Germany
What a clever idea.
Oh, and take a nap!
I brought chocolate and sock yarn from Deutschland...not sock hangers. :) Got those right here in the USA!
What a great gift!
Keep taking it easy ;)
Still sending healing vibes your way!
Ouch, oh my God, this looks so painful! I'm sending all the good vibes that I can come up with your way and hope you'll be doing much better soon!
Nice package....there hangers are great for all sorts of small items!
Hope you are feeling better soon, these bruises look painful.
To answer the question you asked.......The rosewood needles arer a dream to work with, so smooth. The Noro Silk Garden is nice too, but a bit hard and can have bits of twigs and grass in it!, however it really softens up when washed. The colours are also really nice, with subtle changes. I'm sure you would like it!!!!!
I just found your blog via the Six Sox KAL (which I've packed up for my train project today). I'm going to call them my Coral Snake socks since the yarn is a Koigu KKPM in a coral color mix. Thanks for the great pattern.
I hope you recover soon! Those bruises look incredibly painful. I'm sending lots of get well wishes and thoughts your way.
Happy knitting
Ooh, I feel your pain- I really, do!!!
Your fetchings look fantastic! I'm in for REM on Friday. I cannot wait!! What other drug has you in hospital for 6 hrs with a huge needle in your arm and we're happy about it??!
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