This is some very nice roving from Ashland Bay.. It's sooo soft merino/silk top!!

So luciously soft and nice sheen to it too
but this is 3 plied 2 sks

and heres a close up

now is there some secret I don't know about to wind up this HipKnit cashmere with my swift and ball winder? It keeps breaking and doesn't wind off .. HELP!! I'm so frustrated tried several times and I need to use it!! It's for a test knit pattern

Great job!
Looking good.
Sorry about the cashmere - you might need to resort to doing it by hand.
Sorry you are feeling crappy but each day is closer to recovery, right?
Hang in there! Do you need me to go on a chip trek? I WILL for you =)
That Ashland Bay roving came out beautifully! Much better than any AB I've ever spun.
Your handspun is beautiful! Hope you are feeling better soon too.
I love your handspun!
Oh, and I got your message about sending the package. I sent the CF out via priority yesterday. I hope it arrives soon!
Very nice yarn!
Very lovely yarn!
I hope you feel better soon. The aftermath of the surgery sounds brutal.
Hang in there!
Your spinning is certainly amazing, such a gorgeous and soft yarn! I sure hope you're feeling better by now, alle the very best to you!
I had the same problem when I tried to wind up my hipknits cashmere, it is very delicate and I had to do the whole skein by hand. It took about three hours in total to wind it up!
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