here's a box that'll I'll be adding more to of course but will be shipped out later in the week to someone who'll give it some love and attention that it deserves..

yarn reserved for particular projects waiting to be cast on

tote of some unknowns

boxes of fiber to spin!! YIKESS!! I need to spin more don't I???

some more yarn with no specific projects in mind yet, always though runnning through my head but nothing definate

laundry bag of some cool yarns with projects in mind

sock yarn not to much just a little hmm guessing here 18x18 wicker cube

felting project in the works

basket of some recently spun skeins, mostly merino, alpaca, & llama

soon to be projects

fibers just awaiting patiently on the fireplace in their little basket wanting to be spun. calling me to spin them!

WIP yarn a sweater

STR hiding with some more handspun skeins but is screaming to be put on needles!!

another WIP

Holy Frijoles that's a lot of fiber. Very nice! I can't believe how many boxes of fiber you have to spin!
WOW! That is a LOT of fibre to be spun! do you spin in your sleep?
Ok, I am majorly jealous of all that sock yarn! I better go clean all the drool off my keyboard now. You got some serious knitting and spinning to do.
I am faint from staring fixedly at your sock yarns.
Come visit my stash flash.
Look at those gorgeous sock yarns! So, any idea how much yarn you have?
Thanks for the flash. That is a serious fiber collection!
I do have a list of yarns I have and honestly some of these are gone, used, or gave away even swapped some for no yarn in return, but the fiber is another story!! ekkks! and spring sheep shearing day is coming up this month!!...So imabrrasssing glad I didn't flash everything. 3 pictures on the bottom and a couple by the top are pretty much gone...The fiber well. thats was part of it... most are fleeces that need to be processed... Wish I had more roving to spin though...So I spin by handful of clumps sometimes after I clean it of
Holy Mother of Purl! That's an award-winning stash.
At the rate you turn out socks your sock yarn stash will be gone in no time ;)
WOW...thatsa lotsa yarn! Luck you!
WOW! That is alot of fibre! Love the colours in the sock yarn. And I thought I had alot of yarn. Mine would be considered a beginners compared to this. WOW!
Thank you so so much for sharing. I agree too that you'll have the sock yarn used up before you know it.
I am drooling over your sock yarn! I'm jealous! Pam
I'm seriously coveting your sock yarn right now.
i'm so showing my boyfriend your post so he'll realize i'm normal & actually don't have too much yarn!
Ah, maybe I won't send your sock yarn after obviously have far too much already!
Tee Hee!
Wowza, that's a great sock yarn stash!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That is a LOT of yarn!
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