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close up of necklace made of frosting

didn't think how in the world do you put candles into it... Interesting watching them try to blow them out...(Opps! my fault) Was more worried that the dolls hair would catch on fire....

we had to save the best for last of course.. She's been telling EVERYONE and ANYONE who'll listen to her that Santa brought her the wrong car for Christmas he only brought one for the barbie dolls and not her? Hey it had a remote control and working lights.... (we couldn't find one before the holidays any where) It was so heart breaking and disappointing that we searched all over creatation high & low to find this Jeep!

This Jeep has a radio!! So neat! They had lots of fun.. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire neighborhood hear her SCREETCH at the top of her LUNGS with excitement when we had her go out back to see what else she had to open.....If there was ever a kodak moment that was defiantely it, BAD mommy didn't make it in-time...
Everyone was gone by 7-7:30pm and kiddos showered, changed in bed asleep before 9pm and house back in order!! YIPPEE!! Still I was up until almost 2AM... I lost soooo much knitting time!
Last but not least I NEVER put pictures of me up so here you go, now you can all see what I look like to put a name with the face...(I really really hate my picture taken but DH snuk this in somehow when I was speaking to another parent, which I found out is a fellow spinner & knitter) Good thing for me he doesn't take good pictures right? I'm on the left hiding......COLD too!

Happy birthday wishes! Rad cake, too :)
The cake is beautiful! I could never make something like that!
lol my dd had the same type of cake for her bday. lol Very pretty. Did you do it yourself?
oh we once did a punk rock version of that cake for my boyfriends b-day...very scary!
That is so cute! I took cake decorating in high school and made one of those, they're really fun!
nice momm!
love the barbie cake and colors! and what a wonderful jeep!
you are a gem.:L
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