A wonderful Thank you to a very sweet thoughtful kind special lady over in the U.K. Carolyn you had my floored! I was in shock when I recieved this package. It was so generous & thoughtful of you! I LOVE it! This yarn she had on Ebay and I tried and tried to the last hours to get a bag full of it. It's baby alpaca & silk.. so Yummy! (feels alot like Debbie Bliss alpaca/silk. I wanted to make a nice cuddly sweater for myself. Now before the bidding got to crazy, I thought I better ask about shipping costs to my end of the world We were surprised of how the shipping cost calculated out to be about $50 USD or so like {28 or 29 in pounds It was nuts.. So I stopped bidding on it of course, it was under 10 50gr skeins.. Anyway a long story short look what she sent me! She felt so badly about the shipping and didn't blame me for not bidding any further. She was also so kind recently to send me some of her baby's first shearing locks... Absolutely gorgeous fiber!
I just can't stop fondling my new yarn pressie...I can't thank you enough! I'm going to plan something very special for you, surprise surprise! I'm looking around to see if I can find more of this so I can still make my sweater, so far no luck at this point dye lots I don't even care. I just love this stuff! Thank you again! Sending HUGE {{{HUGS}}

What a lovely gift!!
I made a nice lacy scarf from some alpaca recently - Bright Columns if you are looking for a pattern.
the nantucket baskets as easter baskets! how great is that. nice mommy.
yummers - both to the str keychain! lucky you! i was too late to join ...waaah.
and for the marvy alpaca from uk. oooh i love alpaca.
i always remember that it was the fiber of royalty. being royal beats goat fur anyday! :L
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