Yes your looking at 235932 stitches for these babies. Used size 1 2.25mm Britney DPNs
using Opal Silk #1121 yarn pattern designed by Sue Morgan (includes a gift pouch which I haven't made yet)cast on 60 sts. Fit medium adult...Fits me perfectly !!!
I counted each and every last stitch including the grafting stitches in the toes....117966 stitches each sock.. I have #1120 to do too....another 235932 stitches to go! I just love this yarn and they soften up with each washing too..
Thats insane that you counted them! Awfully impressive :)
(Lovely socks, too!)
Those socks are beautiful! And the yarn sounds great.... But you counted the stitiches? WOW!
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