Mon & Wed have pre ops stuff and concent forms paper work, etc. Treatment week of remicade too. Another CT scan next week and the week after. After the surgery about the 5th day and there after for a couple weeks will have to have the DR replace bandages, remove splints and mini ice packs that will be inpacked in my nose. Won't be able to breathe through my nose for the first week because of this, no sneezing or blowing... YIKES!! After the sinus surgery, rebreaking of the nose and strightened of the deviated septum and clearing up all the blockages and whatever else tey need to do.... I maybe able to breathe again without having cronic sinus infections.. I will have a bad one from surgery they expect that and a couple procedures will need to be done afterwards.. Kinda shot my whole summer plans out! Will be going away Aug.for a week or so before school starts again Aug. 30th. my DD started summer reading camp this week at school last day July 20th (I think thats the day of my surgery too)
Need to find out the dates of the State fair I was planning on doing a spinning demo with the guild ladies... depends on the timing.
Some were asking about this TENS unit machine thingy I have now attached to the hip
heres a picture and link to a site with a little more info. The unit cost my insurance company $725.00. This is the link to the model I have pictured here. and a little cheaper. If nothing else works GREAT for those knitters painful wrists, arms tendons, elbows, hands...not sure about everything else yet still too new to me to know.

last night I finished my first sock from the whenever sock kit group list. Still waiting for my bottle swap to arrive from that list too. The list is great you don't have to order every month whenever, participate as much or as little as you like.. Come on over! Laura did a wonderful job with this pattern and choose AWESOME yarn. Louet Gems Opal 100% merino superwash... Her new book Friendly Socks will also be out soon to!! I pre-ordered a signed bookplate number copy lucky #13~
lots of sneak peaks on her blog

It was so much fun knitting this design and will be a nice cushioned heel too...I'm awaiting some more of the cuff yarn as soon as it arrives the mate will be done in a jiffy for sure!

Another swap arrived which I don't usually post all my swaps unless there from SPs..... but I had to I feel so privedged and spoiled I had to show a couple off. I was only expecting the yarns and they were stuffed in this lovely felted bag for me.. Suprise I had to show it off.. Nice thick fabic and very roomy. Thank you so much rmturtle from the knitty boards It's GREAT!

not only that I sure am feeling spoiled looksie what the kitty found in the mail today!! She must inspect!

another swap from Sadie j from the knitty boards My new spinning toy a Navajo Spindle and look at all the churro wool roving in chocolate brown on the right not sure what type of wool on the left, which I wasn't expecting all that and she included an extra surprise to she knows me so well.. Sock yarn! A skein of Sockotta... so I will think of her everytime I wear my new socks.. I LOVE this color too.

I sure feel like I'm being such sweet & generous ladies! Aren't other knitters just the BESTest people in the WORLD!
Knitter are awesome people.
What great fiber & yarn. The knittyboard girls are the best :)
Good luck with the surgery. Being able to breathe through the nose will be wonderful. I can do it for about 3 weeks in November, when I'm not allergic to anything. I can only imagine what it would be like to do it all year round.
Ooh that surgery sounds nasty :(
Hope it all goes ok, and you have a 100% working nose at the end of it ;)
Love those socks - and the Sockotta - I still have the balls I swapped with you last year. They're on the list for my summer sock knitting ;)
You have some wonderful swaps!
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