then navajo plied (3 ply) into a skein for approx 120 yards... as soon as it's set I'll have 2 skeins with nothing in mind to do with...

hmm what to do with approx. 240 yards of luscious fine Shetland....dye, socks, leave white for lacey socks, hat mittens? probbaly will go into a basket with some other skeins for now waiting patiently for me to play with them again
next up on the spinning wheel will be some absolute beautiful black alpaca fleece compliments of my dear friend fromfiberfabricsoapaholicgave me some gorgeous fleece last year...
Thank you!! My bobbins is screaming, whining and empty give me A-L-P-A-C-A B-A-B-Y!
Hey - I have four singles that I want to ply - can you email me about how to do this? I have a drop spindle but I haven't yet learned to spin.
Lovely yarn....You might have enough yardage for a Shetland Lace Scarf.
Dye it! Bright coloures, please! Hat!
I bet a lace scarf would be nice. You should check out the online patterns for this issue of Interweave Knits (staff projects) they have sweet lace patterns for small quantities of yarn.
If you can't find it I can email you the link :-)
Now you know if your asking me I am going to tell you to dye the yarn!!
I would love to see what you come up with. I know it will be beautiful whatever colors you choose.
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