I missed the spinning bee on Thursday but heard it was a success!
First time since I started spinning that I entered anything to the fair and it was on a whim.. Totally unprepared and had no book with info enter 9 items I had no idea...lol anyway I came home with 8 ribbons/prizes..which I never expected to place any ribbons in any catagory knowing the competition too!
here's some of my spun items from different categories

here's some commercially yarn knitted things

and the fair if sending a check in the mail too..YEAH!!
I'll have to prepare myself and get all the info for next year, some judges left comments which were nice.. Like tie skein with same color ties...opps! Who knew...LOL
I still placed a ribbon..to my suprise too! Never expected anything let alone some in the top 3!!
2 1st place
2 2nd place
2 3rd place
1 5th place
1 6th place
so 8 out of 9 I was not only shocked but proud anyway! lol Had no clue what I was doing or what to do, someone helped by picking up some of my things and running quickly. Very spur of the moment on a whim.........The kids are very happy to have there items back too... ;o)
After getting home very late last night I found a couple small packages waiting for me a bottle angel from the bottle swap I signed up for a couple months back, my partner flaked out on me then whoever was reassigned flaked out and a very sweet lady stepped up from the group and sent me a GREAT package that looked like this, Great things come in small package too.. Just looksie here!

she sent a DPNS case holder for shorter needles (I needed something like this too,very cleaver!) post it note pads type thing, a couple skeins of self patterned sock yarn & a sample size of Avons hand cream in peach scent
here's a close up of the yarn.....definately my colors too!

Thank you very much Kim it was sweet of you!
and these lovely goodies too!

Also another sweet lady had to step in to replace another flaker from the candy swap. Ming sent me some Japanese candies. Thank you Ming! Also a lovely note!

Those Bake (non melting) chocolate candy goes great with wine! heehee

In the end everything was worked out and in a timely manner.
Thank you ladies!!! Great packages and so much fun!