Friday, June 24, 2005

Ballet T-Shirt

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My latest project that I'mm have done fairly quickly. It's going to be the a Ballet T-Shirt from the book Loop-D-Loop pg 48. I'm using mercerized cotton double stranded on size 13 needles. Working the large size and hoping for the best.......Looking great so far! It's worked from the neck line down, I'm just starting to divide for the raglan decreases/increases for the sleeves. It's worked all in one piece on circs and finishing will be only to weave in ends...  I like that! 

Please note I don't recommend using bamboo or addis and I am using my Denise Needles ont his one and a good thing This is my 4th attempt!! The last cord too! I yarn is heavy and creating a strong fabric, so I don't want to bend my addis or warp and/or break my bamboo so I'm using these....Low and behold when it snapped on me right at the end of the cord and tip in the middle of knitting the tip got stuck inside the needle.. Only time knitting started me before and I nearly jumped out of my skin trying to figure what happened as all my sts are rolling away on me! I immediatly called Denise toll free number and Yeah!! I have new cords and needles on the way.. btw these are the newest version of her needles I order before the holidays but waited months for the new case mold and needles molds to be replaced remade and made all up to date stuff!! Cool though They apologized and must've been a manufacturing defect for sure they said it does happen on occasion but not to often.. Just my luck! Great thing that lifetime guarantee. They did this is one of the very reason why they have the lifetime warranty....I bet if it happens agian it will be to me!!

Aren't my new stitch markers kwel! Thank goodness I had done a swap with Ali she made them for me and there the only ones that fit the larger needles today I was going out of my mind looking for some in my box that would fit! She's so sweet to made them for me. Wonder if she knew I'd be needing them so soon... Thanks Ali with no #s..(from the knittyboards)

 I included the link for the book at Crafters Choice which has it on sale for $23.99. If you don't have it order now. If you join please use my name I'll get a free book from my wish list.....You only obligation after your 4 free books for joining is to purchase 2 more over 2 years.. How easy is that to do!!??If you don't want to join and want the book, I'll be happy to order it for you I take PAYPAL /CCs   just send me a note and we can work out the details

I'm also still working on a couple private orders which I'm hoping to have complete in the next couple weeks... AS long as I don't get side tracked I've been maganging my time wisely with knitting hours for business and personal.....So far it's working out and fun!

The kids and I have been taking morning walks, or the ride there bikes, I get to walk more.....

Taking it easy, my son is being treated aggressivly for acute asthma attacks and wheezing, we don't even know if he has asthma or allergies yet. The specialist can't see him until the end of July/Aug for testing so these meds are time comsuming.In the meantime he's in a cautious zone. 5 meds all which contian steriods so they warned me he maybe a wild child for a while!! They weren't kidding!!! Litterly bouncing off the walls, the side of the house, swing sets you name!!! So in-between I read At Knits End by yarn halot!! OMG I'm almost done what will I do for my sanity!!


1 comment:


I love that Ballet t-shirt design...not sure when I will get round to making it myself but I really value your advice on the needle front. Don't forget to post up pics of how it looks when you've finished it!