My Soackapoola pal is just the sweetest person from the sound of it following along her blog over the past few months, she never gave up and did it!.. Great job!
Kristina definatly surprised me today! Her very first pair of fingeringweight socks for me!! I have to give her lots of encouragement and praise for doing such a wonderful job!! YEAH!!! Congrats! She must be a perfectionist! They are a perfect fit! I couldn't of done a better job myself ;o)) I love the pattern (been on my to do list of socks, the yarn is awesome I love
Cherry Tree Hill buy it often myself but the socks always end up getting gifted and the colorway is
Green Mountain Madness couldn't of been better choice I love their yarns all of them and there isn't a colorway they carry I don't like (the yarn company is also located in VT as well). I left all the choices up to my SP no hints of anything which leaves it open but also can be difficult as well. I've been in that position before. She also carefully and thoughtfully chosen the extra goodies and kept it local to her town to.. I haven't been to Vermont in about 7 or 8 years I know exactly where she is, passed through there to visit a few times! Lovely place to live! She included a lovely postcard of The historic
Bennington Battle Monument which actually stand about 306 feet high with a visitors elevator to the top look out point for tourists. It signifies the batle of Bennington which was faught on August 16th, 1777, when the
Green Mountain Boys achieved their military victory! She also wrote a vyer nice note inside a very pretty note card, a maybe leaf pure maybe sugar candy (VT state tree), and last but not least a Benny Bar, Beeny is the chocolate moose, which was created by the local candy makers
the Village Chocolate Shoppe. To Celebrate The
Bennington Moosefest. (he's 3 ft H, 4 ft 4 in W and 73 1/2 lbs the antlers alone weigh 6 lbs) To close for me to live I'd be there best customer for a daily fix or two.....

Here's a closer view of the socks Pattern: Retro Rib Socks from Interweave Knits. she even sent a few yards of extra yarn in case I need it in the future...So sweet!

I had to try them on for you all but too funny trying to take that perfect picture espeically sitting on a chair with your feet on the table turned sideways.. (I hate feet on tables and chairs!) Good thing the kids didn't see The toes came out perfectly too!

I will give them a good loving home and wear them proudly for many years to come! Thank You So Much
I am so glad they fit!! I worried so much over whether you would like these socks. I hope that they match at least one or two things you wear!
Great job on the socks, you're right, they came out perfect. I can't believe these were her first pair!
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