Well, a long anticipated wait will soon be over for my SockaPalooza Sp! Here's a litle sneak peek..... I did a little creativity thing here for her along with some other goodies. I did wrap the socks with tissue paper first so that'll be a surprise..I also sent along some extra yarn in case her socks ever need mending. I like to include the extra skein whenever I knit sock for gifts. You can see my postcard picture right through the bottle, yes this was intentional the extra skein on the top end, small box of teas, handcrafted soap, candy other teas,etc....It wasn't so easy to place everything the way I wanted. It's truly amazing what one can stuff in a bottle! I wish I could be there to take pictures of her opening this package! heeeheee It'll be fun I'm sure. I hope they fit her and she enjoys them for many years to come! It's been lots of fun! The waiting to ship has been the hardest part... Just hours away! WOOHOOO! Here's a little hint, only going 1/2 way the country. Sorry if your not in MN you won't be seeing this package at your door! I'm looking forward to checking out everyones blogs to see who got which socks and how every one enjoys them! This has been so much fun I'm looking forward to the next round. hmm I wonder if I can sign up for 2 ;o)) I finished my socksfirst (which I was amazed myself!) Then wished I had another person to make socks for the SockaPlaooza! ;o)

I can't wait to send mine too! This has been so much fun.
Wow, you've had such a busy few days, just like me. Bet you're tired eh? I love the picture of everything stuffed in the bottle.
What a lucky pal! :)
You've got a great blog! I noticed you are joining the Candyswappers group. I participated in the first round and I have a great experience. You can read about my candy swap partner on my blog site. We've been good friends since.
Mariko will email you who your recipient is when she squares away each other's partner. It's great you joined!
Oh, is that a hoot!
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